We turn our original artwork into colorful, mood-boosting, useful gifts for home decor, and personal correspondence! Check back often as we're always adding new art and new products!
Recent reason to humble brag 🙂
If you enjoy it, and would like a print of your own, we have high quality art prints available in 5×7 and 8×10 here .
Customer reviews
I have been a fan of Patty's artwork for quite awhile. The designs are whimsical, happy and inspiring. I recently purchased her latest line of notecards and they have been the stars of my happy mail posts to friends and colleagues.
-- Linda Stockton
I was looking for some really fun cards to send to my students this past Spring and Patty's cards were just the thing. My students loved colors and the eye catching, unique designs. Now to prepare for the Fall I'm going to order several of Patty's masks!
-- Cathy F.
DuBuque, IA
I had the pleasure of purchasing gift cards online with artwork designed by Patty Donahue. I absolutely love her artistic style and the colors she uses. Every time I send a card the responses I get from friends is so wonderful.
-- Carolyn
Evanston, IL