Our TOMAboard kit is the perfect project to keep your word of the year top of mind while having easy
access to a place where you can record your take-aways and hind-sights each month to aid in future planning.

TOMAboards are highly customizable, allowing you to easily record what is meaningful TO YOU! Words to reflect on throughout the year, meaningful symbols and mantras and records of the moments you’ll want to remember for next year (and those you wish to forget!)
Here are few ideas to get you started!
- Word of the Year/Month
- Symbol of the Year/Month
- Color of the Year/Month
- Mantras
- Resolutions
- Goals
- Achievements
- Monthly Minders
- Take-aways & Hind-sights
- Wins & Losses
- Hell yesses and Hell no’s
- Intentions
There are so many more ideas! All the pieces in the kit are blank for ultra personalization, but made simple with pre-scored elements so everything is just the right size for you to easily complete your own personal, one of a kind, TOMAboard.
The TOMAboard planner kit includes:
- 5×7 easel backed panel
- Pre-cut and pre-scored “pocket” to store your monthly cards, made with mixed media paper for easy decoration with any kind of medium
- 11×14 sheet of mixed media paper pre-scored for 12 perfectly sized monthly cards to fit in your supplied pre-scored pocket
- Extensive word list to aid in your word of the year selection
- Suggestions for use
- Links to videos for how-to’s and decorating ideation
- Facebook group to share our TOMAboards and exchange planner ideas